Flight Attendant based in San Francisco. I loved the work in my 20’s and 30’s!
Deaf Counselor (DCARA) in San Francisco, I advocated for Deaf/Hard of Hearing Rights in the work place. 2004 I was one of the flight attendants chosen to interpret flights to Washington D.C. During the Deaf Way Expo. My love of the people and culture is still strong with interpreting and teaching ASL to high school students.
Diamond Light School of Massage, San Rafael, California. My first massage experience in a formal environment. This school set the foundation for self care by teaching the therapists to dance, meditate, and flow around the massage table. This is very different approach to what is being taught today!
San Francisco School of Massage Continuing Education classes in Infant Massage, Babies in Motion and Learning how to incorporate massage into a classroom!
Traveled to India where I studied different cultures, religions and yoga techniques.
Finger Lakes School of Massage, Ithaca N.Y. This was one of the most complete programs in the country. With over 1,200 hours, it blended physical massage with energetics. Included in the program was Shiatsu, connective tissue massage, sports massage, pregnancy massage, and energy work. We learned kinesiology, anatomy and went to a cadaver lab to further our learning of the human body.
Met Alex!
Married Alex!
Started building the shed on our land!
Built the 20’ dome, the 50’ dome and the high tunnel!
Started massaging my first client in Vermont out of the very unfinished 20’ dome!
My Grandmother…
With all that is going on in the world these days, I thought a little bit of inspiration would go a long way for people.
My grandmother, a 97 year old widow whose husband (my grandfather) witnessed the attack of Pearl Harbor while serving in the U.S. Army has a long history of crafting. She lives in Ridge, New York. Every week since the onset of Covid 19, she has been hand making yarn hats and blankets. She’s made over 60 of them this year with her friends!
She then, (at 97) drives herself to my mother’s house where she then gives them to a neighbor who then brings them to local shelters, where the neighbor volunteers. They also get distributed to first time mothers so their babies can have a blanket!
In years past, she made blankets for Vietnam Vets, wool hat inserts for troops, and dolls for children in Dominican Republic to play with. All out of kind donations from local Vermonters and people on Long Island where she lives.
If you would like to donate yarn to her cause, Please send it directly to her at:
Ann Nardeli
162 C Falmouth Court
Ridge NY, 11961
Thank you for all the donations sent so far – they are for an excellent cause!